
The Drive Team is what gets the Cyborg Cats moving… literally! We at Drive are responsible for the mechanisms and motors of the wheels of the robot. Our team is an essential part of building the robot and for maintaining it during competition.

Our robot’s wheels before competition

Our robot’s wheels before competition


What we do might seem simple, but our job can’t be farther from it. There is a varity of things that we do throughout the season. At the beginning we plan out our design and assemble the bottom of the frame, then we create motors using a model known as SWERVE which uses two sets of motors per wheel, one to rotate and the spins so it can have full functionality of movement.


Nearer to the end of the season during regionals and worlds we do matience on the robot if it gets damaged or loses on of its functions. We also make any improvements that we notice that we can make that we see on other robots.